Tuesday, November 4, 2008

spiders v.s. lady bugs

Spiders vs. lady bugs...

Let us start with the cute little bugs first.  
The lady bugs that infest my house every fall and have for the past 7 years.  (Don't plagues run in 7 year time periods?)  
They bite, they stink, and they are EVERYWHERE...

OK now on to the eight legged freaks.  (sorry I don't like spiders.)
Outside they are fine if I don't see them.  
Come to think of it, my house has it's fair share of spiders too.  HUM...

So what's the deal?
Why if I walk up my stairs to go into my house do I walk through about 4 spiderwebs and a million of those stupid lady bugs. 
Why don't the lady bugs get stuck in the spider webs? 
Are the spiders on strike or looking for big game (a.k.a. ME!)

1 comment:

paul said...

it's an evil plot to take over the world.