Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday...

Black Friday!!!! This is the first yr. I went shopping at the break of dawn on black Friday. I only went to one store, and the lot was FULL. While walking in I was really questioning my sanity. There wasn't a single cart in the store when I walked in. I actually went out and found a cart pusher in the parking lot and asked for one of his 2 carts, then began my shopping. I made a game plan earlier in the week, and checked to make sure the "deals" I was interested in where actually good deals. I'm glad I did. I found one item that I wanted to purchase, that was listed as a deal, but it was the normal price. An oversight by the company, I'm sure ;) Anyway, I got my in-laws totally done, my mom, Bob, both boys and even remembered eggs and cinnamen rolls, for breakfast. It was a crazy morning, but a good one.

1 comment:

paul said...

Sweet. I heard you got me that 50 inch flat panel TV. Thanks. That was really nice of you. No need to wrap it, just drop if off at the house. :)