Thursday, March 27, 2008

My lifes dreams...

I thought I had my lives dreams worked out. I "am" going back to college this fall for Biology. But then why did I take Greg to Burger King on Tuesday? You see I have always had a desire for more children. (Bob is not on the same page as me here. One of the few things we disagree about.) I can not physically have any more, but that doesn't stop me from wanting them.

So Greg and I went to Burger King on Tuesday so he could play in the play land. While there, these two little girls (ages 7 and 5) where all over him. It was very cute. Their older brother (age 8) was interested in him too, but was rapped up in the slide. I got to talking with their "grandmother" and she told me that these 3 children where in foster care and going up for adoption later this year, along with their younger brother (under a yr. old). Their mother and father hadn't been in to visit with them since the fall, and although the family they are with now really enjoys them they aren't able to adopt all the kids. This set my mind to thinking wouldn't it be great if we could adopt them. Our house is big enough to hold 6 kids. I had always wanted 6 (like I said Bob is happy with two). I know it's not a rational thing to want to take on someone elses family, but frankly I don't care. The reality for these kids is that the youngest boy and MAYBE the girls will be lucky enough to get adopted but for B..., being a boy, and being 8 yrs. old it is unlikely.

Looking on the ODJF state website there are SO MANY children in the state needing a home. What would happen if everyone who was able, took just one child out of the foster care system?

A thought to leave you with today....
In 100 years no one will care about the car you drove, or what your house was like but how you lived your life. What is it you want people to say about you when you kick the bucket? For me I want them to say I was a good and loyal friend, wife and mother. Honestly the rest is just details.


paul said...

Didn't know you were blogging! Welcome to the blog world. I'm glad Serena convinced you. :) I assume you don't mind if I link to you?

Great post. My struggle is this: I know that (or I believe that) I'm only able to care for a limited amount of people. For Laura and I, we never saw ourselves with a big family... so the fact that Laura can't have more biological children doesn't bug us in the least. We have talked about adopting... but we suspect that if we ever adopt, it will become so clear to us that we are supposed to adopt that it won't be an issue.

What I see a lot is that as family size increases, so does marital tension, bankruptcy, etc. And maybe this is just my own struggle... but I'm not willing to sacrifice my marriage (which is meant to be eternal) for my child (which is a relationship designed to be temporary.) I'm not sure I have the capacity to care for more than what I have. And yes, maybe God will increase that capacity.

Great post. Looking forward to keeping up with you on this blog. You are officially on my RSS feed!

BTW, I'm a rotten speller too... spelling doesn't count on blogs. :)

thea said...

Thanks Paul. I come from a blended family of 6, and for the most part enjoyed my siblings. The step mom was a different story.