Monday, March 23, 2009

Before I was a mom...

Before I was a mom, I was ...
an employee, bringing home a pay check,
a college studen,  studying to make my mark on the word,
focused, on the future, 
more uptight, the little things stressed me out,
messy, but it was split between Bob and I and our dogs,
and lived in a quiet house, often compared to a libary.

Since I have become a mom, I am...
an employee, but get paid in hugs and kisses,
a studen, but my education is now more rewarding,
focused, but no longer on myself, 
more relaxed, after going through all we did, it takes quite a bit to get me uptight, 
just as messy, but now it's split between 4 instead of two, 
and live in a quiet house between the hours of 9pm and 6 am. from 7am-8:30 pm the house is NOT quiet.  

And I wouldn't have it anyother way!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Live and Learn...

Things I've learned this week...

1.  Friendships go two ways.
2.  Dinner will get done eventually.
3.  NEVER wake a sleeping baby.
4.  Line dried towles are stiff.
5.  My boys LOVE to irritate the dog.
6.  My boys LIVE to irritate each other.
7.  Greg can sleep in a big boy bed without falling out.
8.  You need more than 3 fitted sheets for two twin size beds.
9.  Six sounds a lot like tits, when said by a two yr. old.
10.  Greg, (in his words) has a penis big.
11.  When hanging your cloths out to dry it is helpful if you are not down wind from a brush fire.  
12.  God does love me, even when I'm not so sure about Him.
13.  Sometimes the closest friends are the ones thousands of miles away.
14.  Workingout in the evening is just as effective as working out in the morning.
15.  Take all the cloths in off the line before going to bed.
16.  I need to be better organized when it comes to the big stuff.
17.  Even at 15 cents a peice 248 photos still cost almost $50.00.
18.  Squrals get crazy during mating season.
19.  Potty training is hard work.
20.  Last but not least, I married a great man.

Monday, March 16, 2009

big boy bed

Today is a big day for Greg.  He has upgraded from a toddler bed to a "big boy" bed.  (AKA a twin)
I am amazed at how fast he is growing.  His vocabulary is expanding daily.  He's our little mocking bird right now, and although it is cute (he says "oh snap), it is a bit scary.   He climbs the stairs and does all sorts of crazy two year old things.  He always wants to go to any playground around, and loves to play with Bo and Titus.  It's so cute.  

Friday, March 13, 2009

Correct me if I'm wrong...

(Prepare yourselves, I'm about to rant.)

So our church is doing this "week of solidarity" thing.  Your suppost to spend the week living on a food budget of two dollars a day.  I think that number is high, but for this "week" that is what the "poor" of the world live on.  Let's stop right there!  Poor, what exactly does that mean?  From


    [poor]  Show IPA adjective, -er, -est, noun
1.having little or no money, goods, or other means of support: a poor family living on welfare.
2.Lawdependent upon charity or public support.
3.(of a country, institution, etc.) meagerly supplied or endowed with resources or funds.
4.characterized by or showing poverty.
5.deficient or lacking in something specified: a region poor in mineral deposits.
6.faulty or inferior, as in construction: poor workmanship.
7.deficient in desirable ingredients, qualities, or the like: poor soil.
8.excessively lean or emaciated, as cattle.
9.of an inferior, inadequate, or unsatisfactory kind: poor health.
10.lacking in skill, ability, or training: a poor cook.
11.deficient in moral excellence; cowardly, abject, or mean.
12.scanty, meager, or paltry in amount or number: a poor audience.
13.humble; modest: They shared their poor meal with a stranger.
14.unfortunate; hapless: The poor dog was limping.

Ok, so now we understand the word we are throwing around.  

Correct my math if I am wrong.  I feed my family of 4 for $450.00/month.
  That doesn't include detergents and soaps and stuff this is just food.  

$450.00 / 30days= $15.00 per day (for a family of 4)
$15.00/ 4 mouths= $3.75 per day per person.  

Is this easy, not by any strech of the imagination, but it is do-able.  Yah, we eat a lot of beans, rice, eggs, and the like, and imagn this WE LIKE THEM!!!  But we are not starving by any means.  With proper planning, and useing coupons, shopping at save-a-lot and the like we are able eat comfortably.  

Do I consider myself poor?  No-and here is why.  I have friends, and family, a roof over my head, children that I love to spend time with, and a husband I love with all my heart (and I knwo he loves me too).   We live a comfortable life.  

If you really want to live a "week of solidarity".  Try moving into the tent city in Athens in January, with only a coat.  No sleeping bag, no creature comforts.  Then talk about being able to relate to the "poor" in our community.