Wednesday, November 26, 2008


UGH!!! what more can I say?  The kids are driving me CRAZY.  The dog stinks.  Just a rotten day all the way around.  Oh, well tomarrow will be better.  Although I am really sick of seeing "after Thanksgiving day sale" commercials.  

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


do you ever feel disconected from the "world".  I do more and more.  Maybe it's because I live so far from everything I do?  Maybe I am to rapped up in my children?  (Is that really possable?)  Or maybe the people that I used to hang out with and myself have just chosen different paths?  I really don't know.  All I know is I miss the closeness my friends and I used to have.  I miss getting together to play cards, hang out, watch movies and the like.  I wonder if living in Athens is really that big of a deal, I mean sure I would be closer to Bob's job and church, but what about friends?Are they really worth it if they arn't willing to travel to see you?  I am not worth it if I'm not willing to travel to see them?  What would I be giving up to be "closer to everything"?  Do I really want to fight with the Athens school district?  Honestly, if I had my choice I would live in Wood county.  They have a better mr/dd system  La sigh.  But then I would still be "away" from church and Bob's job.  I'm sure there are others out there who like to do the same things as I do, so please post here and I will respond.  

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

spiders v.s. lady bugs

Spiders vs. lady bugs...

Let us start with the cute little bugs first.  
The lady bugs that infest my house every fall and have for the past 7 years.  (Don't plagues run in 7 year time periods?)  
They bite, they stink, and they are EVERYWHERE...

OK now on to the eight legged freaks.  (sorry I don't like spiders.)
Outside they are fine if I don't see them.  
Come to think of it, my house has it's fair share of spiders too.  HUM...

So what's the deal?
Why if I walk up my stairs to go into my house do I walk through about 4 spiderwebs and a million of those stupid lady bugs. 
Why don't the lady bugs get stuck in the spider webs? 
Are the spiders on strike or looking for big game (a.k.a. ME!)