Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Goodbye Puppywoof!

1994-July 27, 2009

Eyes full of love and patience. Never a hash sound uttered from your lips. Friend to all you met, and you never met a stranger. Trusted with secrets you took to your grave. Mother to all the cats in the house. Licker of tears. Wagger of tails. Runner in the sand and water. Roller in dead fish.
Puppy woof, horrid gaurd dog. Since you never met a stranger, you let anyone and everyone in the house. You took everything in stride. Made many trips to Grandmas to stay while the folks went on trips. Joined them on a number of trips yourself. Let the young children, of the children you helped raise, pull on your ears and tail, all without complaint. Puppy woof, Lady, Mutt (said with affection) you will be missed. The house will be quiet. The children will wonder what happened to you. This trip will be odd, with out you there. A member of our family will be missing. It is fitting that you died in peace, since you brought peace with you whereever you went . Lady, I will miss you! Love Dorothea


paul said...

I'm sorry. It's hard to lose a pet...she sounded like a good one. blessings.

fuzzy_j said...

Woofie will indeed be missed. Nicely worded.

Angie said...

Sorry to hear about Lady. I feel your pain. My parents had a dog that I loved to pieces who died around Christmas time. We got him when I was a teenager and he loved me the best. The forgot to tell me about him dying and I found out in a letter my brother sent to them about it. It was sad. I hope you are coping okay.