Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Life isn't fair...

Life isn't fair.

This is an accepted statement, but the past two days have just reinforced this for me. Last night, Bob and I went to Columbus to a CP Parents meeting, and while there, saw a woman who has a daughter who has much more server CP than Mike. As if this wasn't enough, she herself was visially challenged. What is the purpose of that? What was God thinking?

Then today, I find out that a friends child who has DD issues has been diagnosed with lukema and is in Childrens Hospital in Columbus undergoing chemo. She's strong and so is her son, but comeon!! Why? Where is God?

Yes, I am blaming God. He's all powerful, and could step in at any minute and stop all the shit that's going on, but yet he doesn't. Why? (Seriously, I'm looking for answers here not just venting.) I just don't understand anymore. The more I open my eyes and look around, the more I wonder who's in charge, and where are they?

1 comment:

paul said...

Hey Thea.

First, let me just say I'm so sorry about your friend's child. I think you have seen and experienced stuff that most people are sheltered from... and it does cause us to ask questions. So I honor that. I have always loved your heart toward kids... and your desire to see that which is wrong set right.

I'm not sure your anger is properly directed, but fortunately, God is big enough to take it. So if you need to be angry, I'm guessing an honest conversation with God is always a good thing.

Not to be snarky here, but I suspect that the best way to find those answers is consistent, long-term involvement in a christian community. And before you say you tried that... you will need to tell me your age... which is a lot younger than me. And I still haven't been doing this long term. :)

I don't think God is required to answer our questions whenever we ask -- but God does give wisdom over time. But the problem of pain will never be grasped or even addressed in a blog comment.

But you did say you were looking for answers...so let me just raise a couple of issues. I do this with humility, as I realize you are speak from pain and experience.

What makes us assume that just because God is all-powerful that He chooses step in and exercise that power in time/space, the way we want or expect it? That God "could step in at any minute and stop all this shit" is very different from God doing it, right?

And the bigger question is, CAN God really stop ALL the shit?

Really? All of it? In this life? Do you EVER see that in scripture? And who decides what "shit" God is going to stop? You? Me?

Is God going to stop the death of my friend's 16-year-old daughter? She was killed by a "drink" driver who had two drinks. That's right, two. Would God stop that by... killing the driver? Making it so people can't drink alcohol? How does that happen?

Should God heal every person? Guarantee every life to be a least 70 pain-free years? How does that work?

Let's take this to a logical conclusion: for God to take away all pain and suffering he would have to take away all sin (including the fall). Do you think a world without sin is possible? Now, this is obviously not to say that these kids' suffering is a result of their sin (or their parents) but it is to say that "all creation groans as in the pain of childbirth." This world is "not right." And it is a result of "Sin" (capital "S"). [It may even be that some birth defects ARE a result of the direct sin of people -- meaning companies that pollute and cause enviromental/genetic issues]. But in any case... it is about Sin and an imperfect world.

"The more I open my eyes and look around" the more I hunger for a world that is redeemed... where WE are not in charge. What you hunger for is heaven. The Kingdom of God. The feeling of "desiring justice" is directed at the wrong Person. That Person agrees with you and longs for you to join Him in that task.