Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mike and Greg...

I never cease to be amazed by my children.
This past weekend, my niece celebrated her 13th. birthday with a pool party. At this party, BOTH my boys decided that swimming on their own was a good idea. This isn't really a new thing, but I still find it an amazing thing. The coolest part was when Greg was encouraging Mike, and cheering him on. I am so proud of the fact that Greg has compassion, and is proud when Mike does a good job. Don't get me wrong they are still boys. They fight, hit, bite and kick each other some times. But when they are good, encouraging to each other, and playing nicely together.... Those are the times I'm glad there's two of them.

Today, while going up the stairs for nap time. (Yes, they both still take naps.) Greg climbed the steps like Mike. Then when he made it to the top, he encouraged Mike, and came back down to where Mike was and started up again. Just like Mike. It was so cool.

I hope that Greg will always find joy in celebrating Mikes achievement, and I hope that Mike will find joy in celebrating Greg's.