Tuesday, December 30, 2008


What a book.
I loved it and am so glad that I didn't see it befor reading it.  I devoured this book in less than 24 hours.  I'm actually going to read it again just to make sure I didn't miss anything, before starting on the next one.  Thankfully, my neice has the series so I don't have to stop in the middle of it (like with Harry Potter, another great series.)  Seriously, if you enjoy reading, Iwould really recomded both the Potter series and Twilight.  I'll let you know about the rest of the series as I get there.  

FYI: Twilight is about a vampire so if the undead don't interest you, you most likely won't like this book.  However I loved it because I have always had a facination with Vampires, Faries, Wiches and the like.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also love a good vampire story. But, I started to read Twilight a couple of times while browsing in a bookstore and I just can't get into it even though I'd love to see what all the hype is about.

The movie is mildly okay. Meyer's take on vampires seems pretty impressive, but the angst-ridden teenage love story about makes me ill. I thought Bella and Edward were both a bit over the top. She seemed too old for her 17 years and he seemed to be infallible. Hopefully there's not as much of that in the book. Brandi is bringing Twilight to me tomorrow. We'll see if I can force myself into it!