Friday, January 16, 2009

things are good and I'm a looser

Ok, so I've taken a break.  Reflexed a bit, read 4 really thick books, and spent a lot of time tickling my boys.  I am sad to say that although I read 4 books in a week and a half, i have spent NO time reading the Bible.  
I have spent NO time in prayer.  
I have spent NO time in studying the Bible, journaling, singing prais songs or even listening to christian music.  (Music is my favorit way I worship, and I love to sing out loud when I'm home alone.  I wouldn't subject anyone else to it.)  I'm often moved to tears when I sing to God.  (at home or church doesn't matter)  It's the words, the message.  It moves me.  But I have not sung in a long time.  
I've found other things, less worthy things, to fill my time.  (Not that tickeling my kids is in anyway less important, but I havn't even mentioned Jesus or God to them in over a month, and I tuck both of them into bed almost everynight!!!)  What is wrong with me?  Why am I so easily distracted by fiction books, but when it comes to reading my Bible (Which is thinner than anyone of the 4 "fiction" books I devoured,) I havn't the will power to pick it up.  I'm only human is such a joke of an answer.   In any of the trials in my life, I have fallen into God, but right now things are "good" and I'm a looser.  
I know God is there, He has never left me.  But I'm not interested in Him at the moment.  Although once the words are out, I will say, they are a lie.  I am still interested in God and what I know He can do.  It's more accurate to say I'm scared!!!  I'm scared of what I would have to give up to follow Him 100%.  I'm scared of the reaction of my friends and family.  I'm scared that I would be labeled a "Jesus Freak" or that I'd "been hit on the head with the Jesus stick"  or what have you.  I'm scared to take a lead that isn't mine to take, to step on toes, to cause a rucas.  Most of all, I'm scared of failing.  Of being only 1 person.  Of not being enough.  Not having enough to give or be.    So that's that.  
I'm outa here for today.  I have a son who wants to be tickled.  
With him there is no fear of not being enough. 


paul said...

"I have a son who wants to be tickled."

Not making excuses here for you... yea, reading the bible, etc is important... but maybe you will find God in these moments as well. God is not contained to the pages of a book or the words of a song... that's the thing about God, he leaks out all over the place.

thea said...

So true so true.