Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I've been paying attention....

Ok, heres proof that I've been paying attention in church. Last night I had a dream I was being crucified, but they couldn't drop the cross into the hole untill the angry mob gathered. As I was being led to the cross, which oddly enough was placed in the middle of the kids garden at the east state st. park, I was asked to renounce my beliefe in God, and I would be let go. Not doing it, I was given a straw hat (to keep the sun out of my eyes) that was lined with thorns to wear, and was strung up. All my "church friends" where rounded up to see me killed, and like I said there was an angry mob too. (I know I have weird dreams, way to vivid. This is why I can't watch horor movies.) There was more detail, but.......