Friday, April 18, 2008


Ever have a day when you just arn't in a good mood? Well that has been me today. I'm just feeling pissy. The kids are driveing me nuts............... Well really just Greg. He is being a monster. He is SO strong willed. I have no idea how to break him and get him to behave. Spanking doesn't work, time out doesn't work, seperating him from the rest of the family doesn't do anything but make him madder which in turn causes him to SCREAM for an insain amount of time. (He's been crying for a 1/2 hour straight, and not showing signs of stoping any time soon.) Twice today I've had to lay him in his bed, shut his door and take Miike outside just so I didn't start screamin at him. He's about to drive me nuts. (It doesn't help that he woke me up at 5:30 this morning, and I didn't get a chance to take a nap like the boys did.) Thank God for mood meds. I'm afraid I would be totally out of my mind with out them.

Good night.

Oh and does anyone know how I can get my hands on some thorsine? Or anything else I can give him to shut him up.


paul said...

Praying that you will have the strength to not only endure... but grow though this. But I imagine this is really hard at times. I get so frustrated when Lydia pouts... or crys and won't stop. I have occasionally had to just leave the room and give her to Laura.

Peace of Christ be with you.

fuzzy_j said...

I've gotta say that it makes me feel better to know that other people have and respond to frustration like I do.
Is that commiserating? I guess so.

thea said...

I'm not alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I am so happy to hear that I'm not alone in this.