Monday, May 19, 2008

Thank God that's over....

Ok so Mikes IEP was today. (IEP= indiviual education plan) I always stress about doing it. Always!!! I get depressed, and angry, and moody because it's a constant reminder that the "normal" child I wanted isn't there. (It's a lot like planning a trip to France, only to land in Egypt. I'll elaborate more on a different blog post sometime. Just think about it for now.)

It's difficult to think about the goals you want to set for your child for the next year. You want to make them attainable without being to easy, not an easy thing to do. Thankfully we have an amazing team of people working with Mike right now. They are open to my ideas, and are always glad to share ideas with me about tweaking things to play on his strengths. His teacher is wonderful. His aid is amazing. The theropists are so open and honest, and positive. (Which is good because it's hard for me to remain positive at times.) I am thankful for the situation we are in right now. I realize it could change in a hartbeat, but right now in this moment, life is good. AND I am thankful that I'm done with IEP's for another six months to a year.

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