Thursday, May 29, 2008

Almost Heaven...

So I am in Pentwater Michigan. The weather is wonderful. 60 degrees outside right now and a bright blue sky. The lakes are glorious to look at. The lilacs are still out up here, and the geese and swans have their young out on the water, and my young are sleeping on the floor next to me.
I think this is as close to heaven as you can get without kicking the bucket. Although Bob is not here with me, and that makes me sad:( I've filled my week with taking the kids to parks, and just letting them run around and be children. It's great. All to soon though I will be on the road with them picking up Bob from the airport, and back in Ohio. Don't get me wrong, I love the people, and things where we live, but if it was all magically moved to North West Michigan, I wouldn't complain at all.
Gotta run, the boys are waking up.



paul said...

I wonder if, for most people, "home" is always where they grew up. There is a default to like the weather, etc.

Will heaven be like MI to you and OH to me? :)

Glad you had a good week.

thea said...

interesting point. I wonder...
It's perfect so it'll be 68 degrees and sunny.