Oh the questions that rattle around in my head...
in no perticular order.
1. boflex vs. going to the gym?
2. which school to go to ?
3. what's up with my hubby?
4. why are men so difficult to understand?
5. are my brothers crazy, or am I, or are all 3 of us?
6. what to do in MI for a week?
7. how to do it cheaply?
8. am I doing all I can to help improve our situations, cash? Mike? Schooling? Greg? you know the little stuff. HAHA.
9. have I been there when my friends have needed me?
10. when I die what will people say of me?
Ok now my reasons for these questions. Lets start with the easy ones. 10,9,6,7,5, and 4.
10. I hope it's good. Frankly, I'll be dead so I won't know. If you have anything important to say to me you better do it while I'm still around.
9. I've tried. For some it's easier to be there than for others. But I have tried.
5. Although crazy runs in our family, I think that we all have good heads on our shoulders. My youngest brother who is 23 is getting married on Aug. 2. in MI. hence questions 6 and 7. My middle brother is doing well for himself and I wouldn't be surprised if he's married in the next few years.
6 and 7 just require reserch and a good budget.
4. Men... and they say we are difficult. HA! Actually, Bob and I are doing really well, but in general I don't get the Male sex. They are a bit odd.
Ok now for the toughies.
1. bowflex vs gym. This is really a matter of time and cost. I spend 3 hours a week at the gym plus the hour round trip to get there and the 7.00 in gas per round trip. Also the membership itself cost 4o.oo a month. So lets see, gas=21.00/week, or 84.00/month + 40.00/month in membership. Or stay at home gas0= 0, work out on my schedual, and put that 40.00/ month twords paying off the bowflex, then Bob could work out too.
thinking about it though it is more than just time and cost. I like to get out of the house, I enjoy talking with Mark while I'm at the gym. (He and I are really good friends and since we don't go to church together anymore that's the only time I really get to talk with him.) I enjoy the time not distracted by all the stuff around me that I need to get done.
2. Which school to go to? This is actually not as difficult as it seems, I'm going to go to the one that I can do the most stuff online at. My goal is to have or almost have my Doctoral degree by the time I'm 40. For those of you who don't know I'm going into OT. I'm planning on starting next fall. So 3 degrees in 9 years, I can do it, I'll be busting my butt, but I can do it.
3. Bob? Well actually, things are really good with Bob and I. No major problems, some minor ones that really arn't his fault or mine, just the way outside things influance or relationship. I just wish things where clearer sometimes. Which way to go... But our communication is good so we talk about everthing, I'm sure as doors open and close our way will become clearer.
8. Kids and our situations...
Well, we have Greg who is fearless, so how to keep him safe without taking his bravery away? Does Greg need the same things as Mike? Are we giving him everything he needs to become a strong, Godly man? Are we shorting him in anyway, because we focus so much time and energy on Mike?
Mike, who has a mind of his own. How to make sure he's getting the best education, the best therapys, the best medical care, and still enjoying being a little boy. All the while Bob and I enjoying him. I think we are doing a good job, but I know there are better situations out there for him than what we are able to provide for him here in Meigs County Ohio. So the question becomes how can I make Meigs County Ohio better for Mike and others like him.
Ok now I'm going to climb on my soap box.
That my dear friends is not an easy task.... One I am willing to take on, but not really because I want to, but because I know it's right, and frankly am sick of waiting for someone else to step up. It's not fair that Mike and others like him don't have the same opertunitys that "normal" kids have. They don't no matter what you may hear.
When people look at Mike or other children with a disability, they don't see the child, they see the disability. Some disabiltys are easier to spot. Mike for instance uses a rather large walker, or a child with Downsyndrom is somewhat "deformed" looking. Stop for a moment and look past that to the child within, we want for our kids the same as you. A GOOD education, college, a family, independant living. But we have to be creative in the ways our children get there. It may take longer than the "normal" 18-25 years, but most of our children can get there.
Ok enough ranting for one day.
These are just a few of the questions that are rolling around in my head at any given moment. Some are more pressing than others, and some are closer to my hart than others.